Interior Designer Tania Nayak on Budget, Bedding and Boston Sports

Feb 20, 2018, 16:50 PM

Energenic designer Tania Nayak will be at the Raleigh Home Show to share her tried-and-true design hacks and secrets with show guests. In the meantime, we found out what makes her heart race when it comes to interiors… and sports.

Taniya Nayak

Q. What’s an easy DIY project homeowners can tackle to improve their space?
TANIYA: Change hardware on cabinets for a quick new look

Q. What was the last picture you took with your phone?
TANIYA: My Florida condo- my happy place. But Im sure by the time you get this- I will have taken at least 20 pics of my bulldog Flynn.

Q. If you had to move to another country, which would you pick and why?
TANIYA: I’m quite happy right here but if I had to pick- perhaps Spain. I need to be close to water and good architecture and ideally I would love to try slowing down a bit and enjoying the food and culture. It helps that I speak a tiny bit of Spanish (enough to order wino and get to a restroom at least lol- you know…the essentials)

Q. What’s one thing we wouldn’t guess about you? Shhh...Taniya’s publicist answered this for us…
That Taniya is a HUGE sports fan!  In my experience, creatives in this industry don’t tend to be huge sports watchers, but Taniya is a devoted fan of her hometown Boston teams!  I love that about her.

Q. What’s a common mistake homeowners make when they take on a home improvement project themselves?
TANIYA: Lack of planning- planning is EVERYTHING. Create a list, a budget, concept images. Do your homework to take the stress out of the project.

Q. Fill in the blank: The three things I can’t live without are...
TANIYA: Chocolate, Hubs, Creating beautiful things/spaces

Q. What’s a must-have at any party you’re throwing?
TANIYA: Good people = good energy

Q. What project have you been most proud to work on?
TANIYA: I got to work on a home for Habitat for Humanity in MA – anytime I can help make a diff in someone’s life- that is what I feel most proud of.

Q. Where do you go online to find inspiration?
TANIYA: I love general Google searches- I type all kinds of weird stuff in the search box for design inspo. I also love following creative Instagram feeds

Q. What’s one thing you wish every homeowner knew?
TANIYA: Beautifully designed homes do not have to cost a fortune

Q. What are your best small space living hacks?
TANIYA: Design vertically

Q. What’s something that folks should watch out for when working with a contractor or interior designer?
TANIYA: Key is to find someone that you connect with, someone that you are not afraid to tell them exactly what you need. They need to understand your lifestyle- it’s a 2 way street. They cannot read your minds so give them as much info as possible. That includes your real budget.

Q. What décor items are worth splurging on?
TANIYA: Items that make you happy. Art, bedding, a couple of statement pieces of furniture.

Q. Would you rather upgrade your closet, bathroom or kitchen?
TANIYA: Kitchen- spend most of my time there and adds value

Q. Could you live in a tiny home?
TANIYA: Yes def! Less clutter

Q. What’s your best organization hack?
TANIYA: I use a paper towel holder for my bracelets- maybe not my BEST hack but it’s a good easy one.

Q. Which HGTV / DIY Network star would you most like to work with and why?
TANIYA: Sabrina Soto bc she’s my bestie

Q. What’s your New Year’s Resolution? Do you think you’ll keep it?
TANIYA: Make more time for meYou’ve been interviewed many times. What is the one question you always wish someone would ask?

The home and garden event of the season takes over the Raleigh Convention Center February 23 - 25, 2018. Don't have tickets yet? Get them online and save $3!


FEBRUARY 23-25, 2018.